COVID-19 Updates

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Updated 20 May 2020

In line with the new COVID-19 measures, our salon will be temporary closed from 7 April until further notice.

Our exact re-opening date depends on Phase 2 - 3 reopening Circuit breaker re-opening measures. At the moment, it seems like the earliest re-opening will be in July, as Singapore need to go through 2 more incubation periods (4 weeks) before the government will lift more restrictions.

If your appointments fall within this period, we will be reaching out to you to reschedule them. We will also be extending any packages and promotions that fall or expire during our closure.

We’ve received many messages from our clients expressing their love and concern for our team. Thank you so much! Let’s all do our part to stay safe during these trying times. 💪🏼

Watch this space - we will be updating you on our re-opening as soon as we get more details!

We are looking forward to seeing you again in very soon! ☺️


We are updating our social channels regularly and have even hosted live sessions on Instagram and Facebook!

Do check us out and drop us a message there!


We are still reachable even if our shop is closed!

Please feel free to reach out to us for appointment bookings or queries! Or use our online appointment booking system if you would like to book an appointment after 1 June 2020.

WhatsApp/Phone: 87218123 | Email:


If you are in need of skincare during your stay home month, or if you would like to support a small local business like us:

Please shop our webstore!

We are still fulfilling orders and home deliveries are currently on-going!

29 March 2020

Our COVID-19 Measures

In light of the current situation - please rest assured that we're taking extra care to ramp up hygiene and protect your safety when you come for appointments.

🧼Measures to protect your safety (and ours):

✔️ Ramping up the cleaning frequency of our rooms and premises.

✔️ Disinfecting all surfaces, doors, tables and chairs multiple times a day.

✔️ Providing hand sanitiser and implementing temperature checks for both our staff and our clients.

✔️ Requiring customers who have travelled in the past 14 days to postpone their appointments.

✔️ Postponing appointments for any customers who are feeling unwell.

✔️ Therapists are wearing masks.

✔️ Customers can request for therapists to wear gloves when administering your treatment.

☔︎Yes, the atmosphere in Orchard is very muted at the moment.

However, we're still open, and if you're healthy and in need of some pampering in these trying times - we would love to see you. 💆🏻‍♀️

✨ Plus: All our treatment rooms are private and partitioned (yes - walls!) with only you and your therapist inside during treatment - so it will NEVER turn into a gathering of 10 ☺️


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